New Adventures on the Nampa Farm

The site is fresh and crisp and ready for use. Thank you to Jo at Glass Slipper Web Design. It is easy to see my focus has changed since Rochester came out in 2016. Garden and grandkids have overtaken, however I did get an audible of “Good-Bye, Boise, Hello, Alaska… released in February, 2021. It has a narrative in my own voice updating everyone on what is gong on in our family since we left the left the ranch and then the island.


6 thoughts on “New Adventures on the Nampa Farm

    • Hi,
      Nice to hear from you Dan, and thank you for your kind words. We must both be enjoying a rare nice day in the treasure valley.
      Best regards,
      Cora Holmes

  1. Hi Cora,

    I just finished “GOOD-BYE, BOISE…”, reading it over the last week while sick in bed with Covid. Thank you so much for writing it. It’s full of eloquence and tenderness. I will recommend it to others.

    Best Wishes,

    Kevin Rehberg
    Saint Paul, MN

  2. Hi Kevin,

    So sorry to hear you were sick with Covid. Thank you for telling me you enjoyed the book. I am glad it distracted you from the discomfort. The little boy in the book, Randy, who is over fifty now was sick with Covid last week. Since he still works as a longshoreman on the island where health care and travel is such a challenge, we were all very worried. But he is recovering as I hope you are.

    Have a great day,
    Cora Holmes

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